Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

Air Head Nomi Prins Joins Fear-Mongering Profiteer Jim Rickards on the Doom & Gloom Gravy Train

In the video below (first recorded in 2013) Jewess Nomi Prins demonstrates how clueless she is regarding the landscape of the global economy and capital markets.

Since this interview was published, Prins hooked up with the Jewish-run copywriting boiler room Agora Financial, which is by no means surprising. 

After all, her fear-mongering, doomsday nonsense is a perfect match for the doom and gloom trash bin which also publishes copywriting trash from Porter Stansberry, Doug Casey and Harry Dent, just to name a few of the jug heads who make a living from promoting fear and spreading disinformation.

This might explains why Agora has also partnered with Alex Jones. 

Prins may have even altered her previous views in order to more closely fit the extremist propaganda held by the gold pumping morons.

After all, she ONLY wants to sell books. Make no mistake. Prins is by no means a populist or hero, although she tries to portray herself as such. She is no different than the other fear-porn profiteers. 

Ever since around 2015, Prins has been listed as a contributor to Jim Rickards' newsletters published by Agora.

As you will recall, I previously exposed Rickards as another Jewish charlatan who markets himself as some brilliant expert despite having no track record in the capital markets whatsoever. But he plays the part of an expert well with his fast-talking, pseudointellectual ramblings.  

Remember, Rickards is yet another clown who was nowhere to be seen or heard from until AFTER the financial crisis.

Yet, three years after the financial crisis and  all of the sudden he's now an expert?  

A guy who completely MISSED the financial crisis?

A guy who completely MISSED the bull market in gold?

A guy who has been predicting hyperinflation and the end of the US dollar for years, despite the EXACT OPPOSITE having occured?  Amazing!

Perhaps even more shocking is the fact that Rickards never wrote any books prior to 2011.


In 2011, he began writing fear-mongering conspiracy books which have served as gold-pumping propaganda. Since then he's been coming out with at least a new book each year.

In other words, ever since he has been writing books for gold bugs, gold has continued to decline. Yet, the stooges stuck in gold are desperate to cling on to any glimmer of hope, so they rush to buy his books.

The fact is that Jim Rickards is an author and fast-talking sales man. That's all he is because that's all he does. As a matter of fact, I call him the "currency con man."

And he's making a killing from his books despite that fact that if you followed his recommendations, you'd have lost your ass. This really demonstrates why so many scum bags have become fear-mongering gold pumping scum bags.  

Remember folks. When you get your ass handed to you, it will because the media promotes con artists like Rickards and the rest of the broken clock cabal as experts, while banning true experts like me. Never forget that. 

The truly remarkable thing about Rickards is that as a registered investment adviser with FINRA, he is forbidden from referring to himself as an analyst. Yet, he has at times claimed to be an analyst. On other occasions those who have interviewed him have called him an analyst.

I suppose if you have the nerve to make up lies about how you are some "Washington insider" and therefore have "insider information" as the marketing pitches from Rickards imply, you will stop at nothing to hook the fish.

However, these claims could create major legal problems for the tiny two-man shop Rickards works for. There are many other points which one can ponder with respect to the legalities of what Rickards has done, but this topic would be best reserved for an entirely different discussion.

Wait a minute. I thought Rickards is some big shot. He claims to advise the CIA, right?

So why does he work as a silent partner at with two guys who only run a $40 million mutual fund? 

Finally, regarding this supposed joint writing effort, I'm willing to bet that both Rickards and Prins are getting paid by Agora to use their name for marketing purposes, while some copywriting con men are the ones who create the actual reports.

But this piece is about Prins, so let's get back to her.

In the interview below, notice how Prins keeps dropping financial terms (e.g. derivatives and leverage) and open-ended phrases in attempt to make it seem as if she understands what's going on.

It's clear to me she has absolutely no idea what she's talking about.

She's not even good at pretending to have a clue either. I kind of feel bad for her. 

Her level of confusion and ignorance regarding the capital markets is quite shocking given that she actually worked on Wall Street for many years. That just goes to show that having worked on Wall Street (even for a major wire house) does not mean you will have the faintest idea what's going on.

Then again, if you are Jewish you will be granted a position with the Wall Street firm of your choice, regardless how clueless you might be. It works the same way with the media.  

At the end of the day, Prins doesn't need to understand what's going on.

She only needs to convince the audience she does. Understand that Prins is a professional speaker. She earns her living by selling books and speaking at events, similar to most of the clowns in the media.

She speaks at events and gives interviews constantly. Therefore, she should be able to speak freely and fluently without stuttering. 

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