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NBER Pressured to Concede an End to the Recession in June 2009

You might recall an article I wrote a few month ago, discussing ridiculous terminology that has been embraced by every sheep on earth; double-dip recession. 

See here to refresh your memory.

As part of my argument that the recession had not ended, I pointed to the fact that the NBER had not yet concluded that the recession had ended.

Well, this has changed recently. I'm not going to say much here. The title says it all. Have a look here.

It's clear to me that the NBER has given into pressures from the White House to make bogus claims that the recession ended in June 2009.

Remember, this is an election year. With just two months remaining before facing voters, democrats are shaking in their pants because there hasn't been a single bit of good news or positive developments since Obama has been in office. Americans should be accustomed to that. Bush didn't do a damn thing for the people as well.

For Americans, it doesn't really matter who wins these elections because the Washington mafia always yields the same results that empower corporate America at the expense of the people.

Understand that, while I view the NBER as more credible than other economic organizations, the fact is that they still bow down to Washington and the Federal Reserve because it's made up of academic economists, all with strong ties to Washington and the Federal Reserve.

Have a look at the list of researchers and see where they are from. If you have a good deal of time on your hands, you might want to research their ties more closely. 

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