Do you remember hearing about the "global reset" pumped out by the army of gold-pumping fraudsters like Max Keiser, Alex Jones and many others starting back in 2011?
One of the primary catalysts for this hoax was none other than liar and gold-pumping con man, Jim Rickards and his useless books, for which title appears to have been plagarized from an author in China.
Mike Stathis has exposed Rickards' deceitful tactics, lies, and disinformation many times in previous years.
Not long before this, fear-mongering predator Porter Stansberry teamed up with Alex Jones to release an hour-long video pitch called, the "End of America" in 2010.
You might recall this video because it aired everywhere, even on TV for several years.
Stansberry warned you needed to stay out of the stock market because he claimed it was going to collapse.
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