Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

YouTube Fake Detective Guru Coffeezilla is Actually a Fraud

I began my mission helping investors steer clear of Wall Street because I learned firsthand how the game was played after having worked in the industry. 

Thereafter, I learned how the media helps Wall Street after I was black balled by all media in 2006 and thereafter for trying to warn main street about what would become an unprecedented financial crisis in 2008. 

My mission has been to help investors become more knowledgeable and successful by providing cutting-edge investment research as well as top-notch educational content.

I think I've done quite well in that regard. 

As a part of this mission, I have also spent a great deal of time and effort exposing the criminal activities of the financial media, as it works with Wall Street to deceive and defraud main street. 

Unfortunately, most people have forgotten how critical it is to know the credibility and reliability of the sources they choose to follow.

Instead of checking credentials and track records, they go by the number of likes, fake comments, fake reviews, and hearsay from people they have no idea about. 

Those who are unfamiliar with me can find out more about my credentials, my background, as well as my investment research track record herehere, and here.

Examine Mike Stathis' unmatched track record of predicting the 2008 financial crisis, enabling investors to capture life-changing profits by checking herehere, here, here, here, here, herehere, here, here, and here.


The following video was originally streamed live around mid-2022.  

In this video I briefly discuss how Coffeezilla promoted Tom Nash as an investment expert to such an extent that he essentially built Nash's channel. 

Background on Tom Nash

FTX Paid Whore Tom Nash Claims FTX is Fine One Day Before Collapse (Nov 12 2022)

Fake Investment Guru Tom Nash Claims No One on Wall Street Pays Attention to P/E Ratios

YouTube Fraudster and Fake Analyst Tom Nash is a Paid Pumper for Israeli Scam TipRanks

Exposing YouTube Fake Investment Gurus Series: Introduction to Tom Nash

Tom Nash is a Fake Investment Guru, Idiot, Liar and Fraud

Cathie Wood Pumper, Tom Nash Exposed as a Fraud by Leading Investment Expert

Even when Coffeezilla learned that Nash had been lying about his credentials, he never made any videos warning people that Nash had been misrepresenting himself and his credentials. 

Is that the kind of behavior you would expect from a guy who holds himself out as a fake guru detective?  

Sounds more like a fake guru PROMOTER. 

What all of this means is that Coffeezilla is a fraud and could be held liable for any damages caused by Nash. 

In case you haven't heard, Nash has been named in a $1 billion class-action lawsuit for promoting the FTX Ponzi scheme, along with Meet Kevin, Graham Stephan, and Andrei Jikh, all of which I have previously exposed as frauds.   

See here, here, and here.

Incidentally, Coffeezilla made a video on this lawsuit. And he featured a clownish YouTube lawyer, who said the lawsuit doesn't stand much of a chance and even called it "meritless."

Clearly, Coffeezilla wants his naive subscribers to think the lawsuit doesn't stand a chance because he's indirectly connected via promoting Tom Nash, as well as failing to expose Nash, Meet Kevin and the others.

The fact is the lawsuit has a great deal of merit for many reasons.

If I were Nash and the rest of that scammy fake guru gang, I'd be sweating bullets every day. 

Many people have been fooled by Coffeezilla's false claims along with his ridiculous heightened sense of importance. 

For example, he has claimed credit for things that he really didn't do (I'll cover this in the future).

Many people may have been especially fooled by Coffeezilla's empty accomplishments due to his exposure in media, by Joe Rogan, and other channels like, Lex Fridman. 

I will be exposing Rogan and Fridman in the future. 

I will also be posting more videos showing why Coffeezilla is a fraud, a fake guru promoter, and an incompetent hypocrite. 

As well, I plan to expose another clown Coffeezilla promoted as an expert; Patrick Boyle.

Boyle is a dishonest clown who has very little idea about the capital markets other than theory.

I will be going over this more discussion more in the future.

But there's also at least one other clown who by misrepresenting himself and his position, has fooled Coffeezilla as a result of Coffeezilla's child-like understanding of the investment industry.  

And of course I cannot forget about one of the most dishonest and sleaziest scammers on YouTube; Spencer Cornelia. 

Compared to Cornelia, Coffeezilla looks like a saint.  But again, Coffeezilla is just another poser and grifter.   

Before I go all in exposing the FAKE, fake guru detectives, I'll be exposing the scam artists who run a channel on YouTube called Everything Money and a few others. 

So, be patient, as I already have more than 200 articles sitting in edit mode from as far back as four years ago.   

And remember, I actually do real investment research which takes time. 

Background on Tom Nash

FTX Paid Whore Tom Nash Claims FTX is Fine One Day Before Collapse (Nov 12 2022)

Fake Investment Guru Tom Nash Claims No One on Wall Street Pays Attention to P/E Ratios

YouTube Fraudster and Fake Analyst Tom Nash is a Paid Pumper for Israeli Scam TipRanks

Exposing YouTube Fake Investment Gurus Series: Introduction to Tom Nash

Tom Nash is a Fake Investment Guru, Idiot, Liar and Fraud

Cathie Wood Pumper, Tom Nash Exposed as a Fraud by Leading Investment Expert




Fake Investment Guru Fraud, Tom Nash is Even More Clueless Than I Thought

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