Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

Fake News Blog Zero Hedge Still Promoting Fear-Mongering Con Artists (like Doug Casey)

Today we look at the promotion of fear-mongering con man Doug Casey by the fake news blog known as Zero Hedge. 

This exercise is being performed in order to highlight two important learn points pertaining to media deception and fraud.

Before I begin, keep in mind that Casey hasn't written anything for years.

His team of copywriting cons do all of the writing for him. 

By focusing on Zero Hedge we will demonstrate the most common mechanism by which fake news and scams are now being disseminated on the internet.

And by focusing on the piece from Doug Casey published by Zero Hedge, we will demonstrate the severity of the financial/investment related fake news and scams that continue to flood the internet.   

As a reminder, I exposed Zero Hedge many years ago. For instance,

If you read my previous articles or watched the videos I made exposing Zero Hedge then you know this fake news boiler room blog has been linked to every high-profile fear-mongering, gold-pumping, broken clock charlatan on the planet ever since its launch around mid-2009. 

You should also note that I previously posted evidence that Zero Hedge banned me after an individual asked Zero Hedge why it had not mentioned me or my track record. 

Stathis' unmatched track record on having predicted the details of the 2008 Financial Crisis can be found: hereherehereherehere, herehereherehereherehere, and here.

Instead of publishing the insights of the world's leading expert on the financial crisis, the "patriots" behind Zero Hedge were strictly committed to promoting fear-mongering, precious metals-pumping charlatans and broken clocks such as Harry Dent, Eric Sprott, Rick Rule, Doug Casey, Marc Faber, David Morgan, Alasdair Mcleod, Martin Armstrong, James Turk, Porter Stansberry, David Stockman, Jim Rogers, Jim Rickards, Mike Maloney, Gerald Celente, Max Keiser, Mike Shedlock, Chris Martenson, Peter Schiff, and many other broken clocks, con artists, and contrarian indicators. 

Do you think it's any coincidence at all that each of these men are Jewish? 

Can you say extreme tribalism?

Can you say discrimination?

Can you say fraud?

You should note that many of the same types of people who follow Alex Jones and other fake news frauds also follow Zero Hedge. 

Note that the Zero Hedge fake news conspiracy blog was...

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