Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

The REAL Precious Metals Expert Shows You How It's Done

Clowns like Mike Maloney (a former car stereo salesman with absolutely NO professional investment management experience) seem to be claiming to be “precious metals” or “gold” experts. But all they do is keep telling you to buy, buy, buy.

Newsflash: there is NO SUCH THING as a precious metals expert from an investment standpoint. But the jewelry business might have such a designation.

One thing is for certain. If in fact the designation of precious metals expert exists, Mike Stathis is at the top of the list, from his detailed treatment of and recommendations to buy precious metals in his 2006 book America’s Financial Apocalypse, to his warnings of gold and silver manipulation by gold dealers a few years later.

Always remember this fact. Anyone who calls himself a precious metals expert who is always recommending you to buy gold and silver is either a precious metals dealer or paid pumper.

I consider Maloney's self-appointed designation as a "precious metals expert" as very misleading if not fraudulent.

And finally, we cannot forget about all of the accurate forecasts and stunningly brilliant trading guidance he has provided in his research reports. The following video shows just one example of many.

After you watch the video, ask yourself the following question…

Do REAL gold and silver “experts” tell you to buy every day, or do they help you navigate the ups and downs of precious metals pricing?


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