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Tony Robbins Gets in on the Doomsday Gravy Train (Part 1)

One of the most predictable things I have noticed about con men is that they always go where the gusto is. Once they have built a following of sheep, they expand their "expertise" as a "life coach" or some other scam designation into whatever is hot. Tony Robbins is certainly no exception to this behavior. 

One of the things you might notice about Robbins is that he is always helping "the best in the world" achieve peak performance, whether they are the best plastic surgeon in the world, the best lawyer in the world or the best Wall Street trader in the world. Yea, right.
And of course, each of these "best in their field" have hit a slump, which Robbins always manages to remedy. Never mind that he never tells you their name. The important thing is that Robbins is always helping the best regain what they lost, so surely he can help you too, right? 
Below is a video Robbins made as an attempt to expand his business of snake oil to include the investment realm.



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