Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

Robert Kiyosaki, Career Charlatan, A Pictorial (Part 1)

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I'm not going to go into the notion that Kiyosaki never even wrote any of his completely useless books, nor will I address his previous bankruptcies.

I'm not even going to address the claim that Kiyosaki has managed to con the public into thinking he possesses some kind of financial and investment wisdom despite the fact that he remains to this day a complete idiot.

So how then was Kiyosaki able to convince so many people that he knows what he is talking about?

You see, Kiyosaki pays out a good amount of money to the media in the form of advertising which lands him all sorts of publicity.  This ad money also assures the media doesn't expose him or criticize him. 

Every once in a while, the truth slips through the cracks and Kiyosaki is exposed.  But you aren't likely to see any major network go after him because they are all on the payroll.  This is especially true in the USA. For instance, perhaps if Kiyosaki paid for more advertisements in Canada, this Canadian news network would not have exposed him.

Of course, Tony Robbins, Suze Orman and other so-called "gurus" get away with the same gimmick. They buy off the media using advertising. I've previously shown how Robbins and Orman have deceived their sheep. And I'm sure I'll revisist these clowns again in the future. 

Incidentally, Dave Ramsey, another self-proclaimed "money guru" is no different than these other charlatans although he uses the religious angle. I'll detail Ramsey in the future when I can't think of anything else to cover. 











Birds of a feather.... 




























































 Birds of a feather.... 


















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