Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

Rand Paul Proves the Libertarian Party Supports Corporate Fascism

Many of the sheep who support the Republican Party claim George Soros is behind just about every liberal organization and leftist event in the world. 

That sounds like a great way to avoid pointing to the real force behind things; the Jewish mafia. It's a common reactionary impulse that has been embedded into the minds of these sheep.

By the way, you probably already know that Soros is Jewish.  

Self-proclaimed libertarian charlatan Alex Jones and other conspiracy con artists pull the same stunt when pointing the finger at the Federal Reserve, Wall Street bankers and the so-called "illuminati" without ever mentioning the fact that they're all controlled by the Jewish mafia. 

These same conspiracy crack pots also like to point to the "Rothschilds" as the source of problems around the world today. Again, the purpose of this tactic is to avoid identifying the Jewish mafia as the real culprit.

While the Rothschild family is no doubt part of the Jewish mafia, the fact is that they are relatively insignificant players today. Today, it's the heads of large Wall Street banks and media giants who are run the Jewish mafia. 

Likewise, the sheep who support the Democratic Party as well as those who consider themselves to be liberals and progressives have their own go-to guy to blame for many of the world's problems; the Koch brothers.

What you might not realize is that the Koch brothers are also Jewish.   

Again, blaming large-scale events and movements on one man is a convenient way to avoid identifying the real culprit; the Jewish mafia. This tactic has a purpose. If people start to realize that a large group of Jewish individuals control so much of what is wrong in the world today, the Jewish mafia would be targeted by the opposition.

But so long as the Jewish mafia controls the so-called “mainstream media” as well as the so-called “alternative media,” the majority of the public will never understand what's really going on.

Some of the sheep will get their perception of reality from FOX and think they’re on top of things. Others will get their perception of reality from PBS, CNN or CBS and think they’re on top of things. The same goes for the other broadcast networks.  The same analogy applies to the different slants offered by print and Internet media.

Others have concluded that the so-called "mainstream media" cannot be trusted so they head to an even worse source for information; the so-called "alternative media."  

What none of the sheep realize is that all media firms work for the same crime bosses. The Jewish mafia.  

Constantly blaming entities like the Federal Reserve or Wall Street bankers without identifying the underlying source of control serves no constructive purpose. That's the idea behind this tactic. 

As well, blaming prominent individuals for large-scale events while attaching political agendas to their motives is not at all an accurate assessment of reality, nor is it a productive exercise.

The ultimate objectives of the Jewish mafia are financial. They want a good return on their investment. It's that simple. And because money and power are often intertwined, the Jewish mafia also seeks to gain power over entire industries, resources, influential individuals and dominant mechanisms of control. All of their actions are ultimately for the purpose of obtaining more money. 

If you continue to avoid pointing to the specific source of the problem you will never be in a position to find adequate solutions. 

So who is the Jewish mafia?  

All one has to do is examine...

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