Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

Doug Casey Has Been Pitching the Exact Same Lines for 40 Years. And His Track Record is Really MISERABLE!

As you watch this interview from 1980, I want you to notice how Casey is questioned by the audience.

Members of the audience question Doug Casey's credibility as well as his motives.

Today people do not question anything. Today the masses have been completely dumbed down as a result of the chronic effects of media consumption.  This is in large part why so many people lack the most basic critical reasoning skills. I see it everyday. Yet these same people actually think they are on top of things because they consume massive amounts of media.

Folks, it's never been about HOW MUCH information one consumes but being able to recognize the QUALITY of the information and having the ability to analyze and process this information effectively. 

You should also take note that Casey's book Crisis Investing was completely wrong and caused those who took his advice to really lose their ass.

Do you see a trend here?

Fast forward some forty years later and we see guys like Peter Schiff, Jim Rogers, Jim Rickards, Harry Dent and so on being promoted by the media as credible experts despite the contrary, and despite the fact that they have ridiculously pathetic track records.

Do really you think the media promotes these clowns over and over by accident, not knowing how ridiculous their claims are and how wrong they have been? 

Wake up. The media is out to take your money via the ad-based business model.

And the Jewish media crime bosses always seem to partner up with members of their tribe who pitch fear and doom while making millions upon millions of dollars selling useless books, newsletters and so on.

Where do you think that money came from?

It came from the suckers who were foolish enough to pay attention to the media, whether it be so-called mainstream or (even worse) so-called alternative.   

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